Dental Steps Explained
1. Pre-Dental Exam
Physical examination of the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, abdomen, legs, lymph nodes, skin, and coat; as well as listening to the heart and lungs. Temperature and weight are also recorded.
2. Pre-Operative Blood Evaluation (not required under 5 years of age)
Evaluates the liver, kidneys, electrolytes, and blood counts to ensure anesthesia is catered to your pet’s medical conditions and needs.
3. Pre-Operative Pain Injection
Decreases pain and inflammation during the procedure and lasts for up to 24 hours post-surgery.
4. Sedation Injection
Decreases pre-operative anxiety and relaxes them in preparation for anesthesia induction.
5. Place IV Catheter
This allows for rapid and direct distribution of medications and fluids during the dental procedure.
6. Inhalant Anesthesia
An endotracheal tube is placed to administer inhalant anesthesia and oxygen. It also maintains respiration during the procedure.
7. Pulse Oximetry & Anesthesia Monitoring
Assists in monitoring the heart rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure while under anesthesia. A technician trained in anesthesia will also be with your pet at all times to monitor your pet’s vital signs.
8. IV Fluid Therapy
Helps maintain hydration and blood pressure during the anesthesia and after the dental procedure.
9. Temperature Management System
Anesthesia can lower your pet’s temperature. We use hot water heating pads, warmed rice bags, and blankets to keep your pet warm and comfortable while under anesthesia and following the dental procedure.
10. Nail Trim
A courtesy nail trim is performed on your pet while sedated.
11. Dental X-Ray
We perform full mouth dental x-rays on every pet because 80% of dental anatomy is not visible. They are helpful to see if extractions are necessary due to bone loss and tooth decay. It also helps to identify open root canals and infected tooth roots. X-rays are also used when a root canal is performed.
12. Probing for Pockets & Gingival Recesses
We measure pocket depths around every tooth and check for exposure of root surfaces to establish periodontitis and periodontal pockets which may lead to possible extractions.
13. Dental Charting
The doctor and technician will complete a detailed medical chart during the procedure noting any abnormalities, extractions, and level of periodontal disease.
14. Ultrasonic Scaling
An ultrasonic scaler is a high powered instrument supplying high frequency vibrations and is used to remove plaque, bacteria, and calculus from the teeth.
15. Polish
We do this to smooth the surface of the teeth after scaling to decrease the adhesive ability of plaque in the future.
16. Irrigate
We flush the mouth to remove the polish and any remaining plaque and bacteria from dental surfaces.
17. Post-Dental Exam
After the technician has cleaned and polished, the doctor will do a full mouth dental exam. It is also established at this time if extractions or further care are necessary.
18. Fluoride
An anti-plaque treatment used to help strengthen and desensitize teeth, and discourage the development of future plaque.
19. Recovery
A technician will monitor your pet after anesthesia until they are awake and have swallowing reflexes. You will receive a call from us notifying you when they are awake. We will watch until they have the ability to stand up and walk. Once the pet has been alert for awhile, the IV catheter is removed.
20. Home Care & Dental After-Care
The doctor or a staff member will go over the dental procedure at pick-up and show the owner the dental x-rays and pictures that were taken during the procedure. We may also recommend sending home some preventative care products and techniques to help keep your pet’s teeth clean and plaque free.
Contact Skyline Animal Hospital for more information on your animals care!